
Why Need Aligners

Invisible Correction: Aligners are preferred for their discreetness, as they are nearly invisible when worn, making them a popular choice for individuals seeking orthodontic treatment without the visibility of traditional braces.

Comfortable Treatment: Aligners are more comfortable compared to braces, as they are made of smooth plastic and can be removed for eating, brushing, and flossing, allowing for a more convenient and adaptable orthodontic experience.

Pre-Procedure Guidance:

Consultation and Evaluation: Your journey towards a straighter smile begins with a thorough consultation. Our experienced orthodontist will assess your teeth, discuss your goals, and determine your eligibility for custom aligners.

Post-Procedure Guidance:

Follow-Up Appointments: Regular check-ins with our orthodontist will ensure your treatment is progressing as planned.

Treatment Process:

Digital Impressions: Using advanced 3D scanning technology, we'll take precise digital impressions of your teeth, eliminating the need for messy traditional molds.

Treatment Plan Creation: Our orthodontist will create a personalized treatment plan, showcasing the step-by-step progression of your teeth as they shift into alignment.

Custom Aligners: Based on your treatment plan, a series of custom aligners will be crafted specifically for you. Each aligner is designed to gradually guide your teeth into their ideal positions.

Wearing Aligners: You'll wear each set of aligners for a prescribed period, typically around two weeks, before progressing to the next set.

Minimal Disruption: The aligners are removable, allowing you to enjoy your favorite foods and maintain your oral hygiene routine with ease.

At Kkeswani Dental & Polyclinic, we're dedicated to restoring your smile's beauty and function. The Price of Aligners starting form Rs 1,50,000/- .
Book your Aligners consultation today and take the first step towards a complete, confident smile.

Brand We use:

KKeswani Dental & Polyclinic employs the finest brands, Clear and Invisalign, for aligners. Our commitment to superior orthodontic care means you have access to the most effective and trusted options available. Achieve the smile you desire with confidence, knowing you're in expert hands at our clinic.

Best Dentist For Teeth Aligners


Dr. Tanisha Keswani

BDS, MDS, Braces | Aligner Specialist

Meet the academic achiever of Manipal University, Dr. Tanisha Keswani. Her prowess is in fixing facial aesthetics, working with the advance braces system and has been successfully spreading smiles for 10 years.


  • BDS From SDM Dental College, Dharwad
  • MDS ( Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics) From Manipal University
  • Attended Advanced Orthodontics Course From South Korea
Why Choose Us

Modern Technology

We make use of the most advanced dental technology to provide accurate diagnosis and successful treatments that will have the best possible effects on your oral health.


Patient-Centric Environment

We support personalized medical treatment. Each treatment strategy is customized to match your specific needs and preferences in terms of oral health.


Expert Dentists

Our dentists are well-trained and experienced, using advanced techniques to ensure a deep, thorough cleaning. We tailor the cleaning process to your specific oral health needs, addressing areas that require extra attention.


Always Available

We value your time and resources. For your convenience, we provide flexible scheduling and a variety of payment methods.


Prevention & Information

By educating you, we hope to provide you the power to maintain your dental health over the long term.


Comfortable Atmosphere

Our top priority is your comfort. We work hard to establish a relaxed and friendly atmosphere for a satisfying dental visit.