
Why Need Professional Single Tooth Implant

Permanent Tooth Replacement: Tooth implants are essential for replacing missing teeth with a permanent and durable solution, restoring both the appearance and function of natural teeth.

Preserving Jaw Health: Implants help preserve jawbone health by stimulating bone growth and preventing bone loss that can occur when a tooth is missing, maintaining overall oral structure and preventing facial changes.

Pre-Procedure Guidance:

Comprehensive Consultation: Begin your journey to a complete smile with a thorough consultation. Our experienced dentists will assess your dental history and discuss your goals to create a personalized treatment plan.

Treatment Plan Discussion: We'll explain the single tooth implant process, addressing any concerns you may have and ensuring you're comfortable with the procedure.

Post-Procedure Guidance:

Aftercare Instructions: Proper retainer usage is crucial for preserving your results. We'll guide you on maintaining your new smile.

Regular Check-ups: Regular dental visits are essential to monitor the condition of your implant and maintain your overall oral health.

At Kkeswani Dental & Polyclinic, we're dedicated to restoring your smile's beauty and function. The Price of Single Tooth Implant starting form 25000/- . Book your Single Tooth Implant consultation today and take the first step towards a complete, confident smile.

Treatment Process:

Assessment and Preparation: Our team will evaluate the health of your jawbone and surrounding tissues to determine the suitability of a single tooth implant.

Implant Placement: The implant, a titanium post, will be precisely placed into the jawbone to serve as the foundation for your new tooth.

Healing Period: Over the next few months, the implant will integrate with your jawbone through a process called osseointegration, ensuring a stable and secure base.

Abutment Placement: Once the implant has fused with your jawbone, an abutment will be attached to the implant to connect the replacement tooth.

Crown Placement: A custom-made crown, designed to match the color, shape, and size of your natural teeth, will be affixed to the abutment, completing your smile restoration.

Brand We use:

KKeswani Dental & Polyclinic employs the finest brands, 3M, Adin, Dentium and Nobel Biocare for implants. Our commitment to superior orthodontic care means you have access to the most effective and trusted options available. Achieve the smile you desire with confidence, knowing you're in expert hands at our clinic.

Best Dentist For Single Tooth Dental Implant

Dr Pratik Keswani

BDS, MDS, FICOI - USA, Dental specialist

Dr. Pratik Keswani carries 10 years of profound experience in dentistry, cosmetic dentistry and Implantology.
His patients know him best for his precision work and his bona fide advice. He is not only a specialist, but has notably presented papers and posters at various National Conferences.


  • BDS From SDM Dental College, Dharwad
  • MDS ( Prosthodontic & Oral Implantology) From AB Shetty Dental College, Mangalore
  • FICOI ( Fellow Of International Congress Of Oral Implantology) USA
Why Choose Us

Modern Technology

We make use of the most advanced dental technology to provide accurate diagnosis and successful treatments that will have the best possible effects on your oral health.


Patient-Centric Environment

We support personalized medical treatment. Each treatment strategy is customized to match your specific needs and preferences in terms of oral health.


Expert Dentists

Our dentists are well-trained and experienced, using advanced techniques to ensure a deep, thorough cleaning. We tailor the cleaning process to your specific oral health needs, addressing areas that require extra attention.


Always Available

We value your time and resources. For your convenience, we provide flexible scheduling and a variety of payment methods.


Prevention & Information

By educating you, we hope to provide you the power to maintain your dental health over the long term.


Comfortable Atmosphere

Our top priority is your comfort. We work hard to establish a relaxed and friendly atmosphere for a satisfying dental visit.